Crime prevention and safety programs
We offer many crime prevention and safety programs to the university community.
The University of Akron Police Department
► Community policing: UAPD uses a community policing philosophy with the goals of:
- establishing relationships throughout the campus community;
- identifying real and/or perceived problems that exist; and
- developing programs that resolve the identified problems.
UAPD uses various modes of transportation to patrol the campus, including bicycles, motorcycles, cars and foot patrol.
► Emergency phones: Located throughout the university campus, over 250 emergency phones provide a direct line of communication to UAPD for individuals in need of emergency assistance. These phones are strategically positioned along pedestrian walkways, inside parking decks and at many building entrances to provide immediate contact with the University Police dispatcher. Campus police respond to all activated emergency phones even if no words are spoken. Look for the blue lights inside buildings, in parking areas and on campus grounds.
► Student Campus Patrol: Campus Patrol operates around the clock for the safety of anyone walking alone on campus. By calling 330-972-7263, an escort will come to your location and accompany you to your local destination. Campus Patrol members are employed and trained by UAPD. They are easily identified by conspicuously marked shirts or jackets. Teams assist UAPD in patrolling the campus, including parking lots and reporting suspicious behavior.
► Sexual respect: We are committed to providing all students a safe learning environment that values sexual respect. See more.
► Prospective and current student crime awareness and prevention programs: We present information to prospective students and their parents about university safety programs and general campus safety tips.
► Safety education programs: Through the office of crime prevention, UAPD provides educational programs to students and employees on personal safety, sexual assault/acquaintance rape prevention, drug and alcohol abuse prevention, and other related topics. UAPD welcomes the chance to talk with any campus group. If you would like to schedule an appointment for an educational program, call 330-972-5914.
► A.L.i.C.E., training program: A.L.i.C.E., is an acronym that stands for Alert, Lockdown, inform, Counter, Evacuate. This cutting-edge training will provide options for faculty, staff and students in the event of having to face an armed intruder.
Residence Life and Housing

About 2,400 students live in the University's 10 residence halls. Access to the University's residence halls is restricted to student occupants, escorted guests and authorized University personnel. Unescorted persons are prohibited in the residence halls. While all residence halls have 24-hour visitation, buildings remain locked at all times and require a University-issued identification for access.
Residence hall staff members receive special training from UAPD about security and safety procedures and enforcement of residence hall regulations. Safety inspections every semester help students to maintain a safe environment. Department of Residence Life and Housing professional staff conduct programs with resident students to heighten awareness of safety on campus. Sessions cover topics from common sense precautions, (such as walking with a companion or in groups at night), to more difficult issues (such as acquaintance rape).
As a part of crime prevention in the residence halls, UAPD patrols the residence halls during evening hours, Tuesday through Saturday.
The Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards
The Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards' primary focus is to promote university community standards through the administration of the University's Student Code of Conduct. The office also serves as an information source on student discipline, judicial hearings, appeals, and academic misconduct concerns. The purpose of the University discipline system is to promote student development by addressing behaviors that are inconsistent with community standards and expectations, as defined by the Student Code of Conduct. The office conducts fair and impartial hearings regarding alleged violations of the Code and, when appropriate, administers proactive and educational sanctions. Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards often coordinates its services with other campus offices in an effort to serve students to the fullest extent. When appropriate, referrals will be made to other University offices in an effort to best serve students.
Whenever persons witness what appears to be a violation of University rules under the Code, they are encouraged to report this to the Office of Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards , which may conduct an investigation or contact UAPD if the reported activity appears to be criminal in nature. The Office of Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards is located at Student Union 216. The Office may be contacted at 330-972-6380. See the Student Code of Conduct.
Student Health Services
Health Services helps students meet their educational and personal goals by addressing their health concerns during their enrollment. Health Services' Health Education section provides health education, wellness promotion and risk reduction programming to students, faculty and staff.
Health Services is designed to provide medical care for uncomplicated illnesses and injuries that are of recent onset and short duration. If you have any questions, please call us before your visit. Health Services is located in the Student Recreation and Wellness Center Room 260 and is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Last appointment at 4:30 p.m.) Health Services is closed on weekends and holidays.
The office can be reached at 330-972-7808. Student Health Services on the web.
Environmental planning
The University of Akron implements numerous safety precautions on its campus. A sample:
- Extensive lighting is found throughout the campus, and the university continues to implement additional lighting improvement projects and to consider public safety in maintaining its buildings and grounds.
- When we renovate or build anew, the plans embrace crime-prevention principles, both in the facility itself, and if practicable, in the adjacent area.
- Residence halls are locked 24 hours a day and require University identification cards for access.